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You're a friend of Razib Khan—friend of Richard Spencer and Taki! Naipaul's racism is undeniable. But you do like to chatter.

Oh shit, I missed Sarah Haider and the certifiably dim Shadi Hamid. But no negroes. Your intellectuals are brown, not black. Why else would Khan by on your crew? And you're more interested in defending Zionism that secularizing Islam. The enlightened west supported fundamentalism to undermine resistance. The US supported the MB against Nasser and Israel supported Hamas from the start to undermine Fatah. And when Hamas moderated they killed Yassin and continue to "mow the lawn".

The slow secularization of Islam is more interesting than the bullshit modernity Israel once claimed to represent. Stack the last 40 years of Iranian and Israeli films side by side and tell me which will last. By your logic you'll have to say the Israeli, and most of the "intellectuals" of the world, black, brown beige, and pinkish, will laugh. And Israel and the west are allied with the most reactionary forces in Islam. Change is slow, and you're helping to make it slower.

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I'm certain that I am more intelligent now than I was in high school, and also that I would score much lower on an IQ test. My brain was just so much more used to being tested with small, discrete exercises and puzzles then. It's not a useless measure, but it is such a limited one.

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You should ignore types like Fuentes and instead focus on those like Charles Murray.

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In Jared Diamond's excellent book, Guns, Germs and Steel he recounts a native in New Guinea (I think it was that country) asking Diamond why is it that his people are so far behind the Europeans. The book tells the story and it has nothing to do with any race being smarter than another.

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